Hibernation is over!

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I’m here to confess something…

This has been, without a doubt, the coldest, harshest winter of my life! I haven’t run a single kilometer, I haven’t even dusted off my bike, and I haven’t even thought about joining the gym … But, you know what? We managed to still have lots of family fun. 

My first winter in Chicago has been perfect to take laziness to the pro level. At -20 degrees celsius outside, who feels like going for a run or a bike ride? Between adapting to the new job, furnishing the new house, surviving snowstorms, and adjusting to a new country, my energy has been completely drained.

Finding joy indoors

But not everything has been bad! I’ve made the most of my time with my husband and son. We’ve painted, played superheroes, built castles, read stories until we fell asleep, and enjoyed watching movies together.

It’s been a winter of disconnecting, warm hugs, and belly-aching laughter. A winter to recharge my batteries and come back refreshed when spring finally arrives.

And I don’t feel one bit guilty about it. It’s true that physical activity is important, but so is listening to your body and giving it what it needs. Sometimes, what you need is to curl up on the couch with a blanket and a good movie, or spend hours playing with your kid.

So, to all those who have felt a bit lazy this winter, big hugs! Enjoy this time of rest and recharging, because when the good weather arrives, we’ll be ready to conquer the world.

How about you? How have you spent your winter? Have you lazed around like a pro like me, or have you managed to stick to your routine?